Update Dynamics GP Notes from an eConnect Integration
By Steve EndowI would have thought that one of the many eConnect integrations I have developed over the years would have required me to update an existing Dynamics GP Note record. Perhaps I have done...
View ArticleApparent bug in eConnect taSopSerial stored procedure for invoice with...
By Steve EndowThis is an obscure one, but I thought I would document it for the Google-verse.I developed an eConnect SOP Invoice import for a GP 2010 customer that sells and services lots of serialized...
View ArticleLimitation with Dynamics GP VS Tools Event Handlers?
By Steve EndowVisual Studio Tools Event Handlers are a great feature that allows you to respond to events and actions in Dynamics GP. Let's say that you want to validate data after a user selects a...
View ArticleServer field is blank when you launch Dynamics GP due to space at beginning...
By Steve EndowI just had a call with a client whose Dynamics GP Server field was always blank when they launched GP.The drop down list had entries, and the user could log into GP, but every time they...
View ArticleInstalling missing Professional Services Tools Library stored procedures
By Steve EndowOne of my clients was trying to run the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) Vendor Modifier tool on GP 2010. When they tested it in their test database, they received this...
View ArticleBug in Dynamics GP VS Tools Event Handlers for DexUIForm Windows
By Steve EndowA few days ago I wrote about an odd behavior in VS Tools where an event handler wouldn't fire if a VS Tools window initiated an event on a GP window.Specifically, on the GP 2013 Void...
View ArticleAutomatically close Dynamics GP report destination windows in VS Tools
By Steve Endow I am working on a project that involves automating a process in Dynamics GP. Since there is no API for the particular steps I need to automate, I'm having to use the low-tech method...
View ArticleThe value of logging and diagnostics in Dynamics GP integrations
By Steve Endow I developed a custom web service for a customer that allows one of their internal web sites to create customers in GP and store customer credit card data in a third party credit card...
View ArticleHow do you backup your Hyper-V virtual machines?
By Steve EndowSo, how do you backup your Hyper-V virtual machines? You DO back them up, don't you?Today I spent a rare day working on my "data center infrastructure".Specifically, I was working on my...
View ArticleWho deleted my Dynamics GP database table and stored procedure.?
By Steve EndowAn unusual situation has come up at a client. While reviewing some integration logs, I saw that a custom database table had been deleted from the production Dynamics GP company database....
View ArticleeConnect will import data with leading spaces: Why should you care?
By Steve Endow One fine day, you joyfully work on a simple Dynamics GP customer query. You just want to look up the record for a customer.SELECT*FROMRM00101WHERECUSTNMBR='WEB001'Couldn't get much...
View ArticleDynamics GP GPConnNet ReturnCode 131074: One possible cause
By Steve EndowLast week a customer contacted me saying that an eConnect integration suddenly stopped working.They have been using the integration for a few years without issue, but without apparent...
View ArticleTwo quick tips on Dynamics GP SQL Server backups
By Steve Endow I recently learned two interesting things about SQL Server backups from the esteemed Victoria Yudin.FIRST, I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know that SQL Server 2008 added a native...
View ArticleReopening Closed Years!
Okay, so my new year’s resolution has completely gone astray as I have been absent from this blog for way way way too long. So here I am, coming out of the post-year end haze, and hope to get back in...
View ArticleUpdating Payroll Transactions for FUTA and SUTA
I had previously posted some scripts to do a compare, to identify transactions where the FUTA and SUTA fields are set differently than the set up records for the pay codes involved. Remember, FUTA...
View ArticleGet GPConnNet to connect to SQL Server instance with a TCP port number using...
By Steve Endow I have a very large Dynamics GP customer who has a very large and complex IT environment with a lot of security. In their Test Dynamics GP environment, they have the unusual situation...
View ArticleSource Code Control: Converting from VisualSVN to Git on BitBucket
By Steve EndowI do a lot of development with Visual Studio, creating eConnect integrations and VS Tools integrations for Microsoft Dynamics GP.Back in 2012 when I decided to finally setup a source code...
View ArticleBadImageFormatException Error after upgrading eConnect import to GP 2015:...
By Steve EndowI recently upgraded a .NET eConnect Dynamics GP integration from GP 2013 to GP 2015.In Dynamics GP 2015, the eConnect libraries were updated to use .NET 4.5.1, so when you upgrade any...
View ArticleOne sign of a really bad API
By Steve EndowThe last several months, I've been working with a third party product that integrates with Dynamics GP.While the product sometimes technically works, it is absolutely riddled with bugs....
View ArticleClearing Out Old Uninterfaced Fixed Assets GL Activity
It's not unusual for Fixed Assets to get implemented after the initial project for Dynamics GP. But lately, I have had a few different clients who went live with Fixed Assets but never actually went...
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