With the release of Windows 10 coming very soon, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product Team will be introducing support for this operating system including the all new Edge browser in upcoming CRM updates. Once Office 2016 RTM releases, support will also be available in the following versions:
Support with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 will be introduced in Update Rollup 4 for Service Pack 1 (6.1.4)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Updates and Hotfixes
Support with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 will be introduced in Update 0.2 (7.0.2) as well as Update 1.1 (7.1.1)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Updates and Hotfixes
To learn more about the new Windows 10:
To learn more about the all new Microsoft Edge browser:
To learn more about Office 2016: