As your manufacturing or distribution operation grows, you’ll likely expand the number or type of products that you offer to your growing list of customers. New inventory and a corresponding higher volume of transactions can quickly overwhelm home-grown systems or specialty inventory management software. A growing business needs stronger inventory management technology that can grow and change as your business grows and changes. RockySoft offers the technology that can align with your specific business needs.
Businesses grow, which is great; however, your software doesn’t and that can present problems. If you are frustrated with home-grown systems or entry-level software that is no longer meeting your needs, contact the experts at RockySoft. We can help you find the right management solutions that will support your changing business operations.
The Forecasting and Replenishment Suite includes several innovative technologies that can add time-saving automations and streamline inventory and replenishment planning. The Demand Manager can improve customer responsiveness, making sure you have the inventory that you need while reducing the volume of safety stock you keep on hand. You can synchronize stock levels with forecasting demand, which supports better fill rates and saves money from overstocking the warehouses. In addition, you can connect each of your warehouses or distribution centers so that you can have a complete view of inventory. There is no need to order more of an item that is simply sitting in another warehouse location.
The Requirements Planner can strengthen supply chains, adding another level of automation to improve buyer productivity. You can save time and money with order targeting, ordering in quantities that are based on weight, pallet, or price breaks, and schedule deliveries around holidays or other unusual vendor delivery days. When integrated with the Supply Base Manager, you can automate lead times that reflect vendor delivery performance. Becoming more proactive, rather than reactive, with inventory and supply chain can improve productivity and lower the costs with planning, purchasing, and storing inventory.
Replace inadequate systems with the technology that can support your newfound growth. Contact RockySoft for guidance on choosing and implementing the right supply chain and inventory management systems that meet your business needs today as well as the flexibility you need as your business continues to grow and change.
By Jeffrey Woodmansee with RockySoft, Microsoft Dynamics software provider for demand planning
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