When you create Test Plan or Test Case in MTM or on TFS and you figure out that you do not need it any more, you cannot just select Test Plan and click Delete or Remove. The process is not easy.
You can use two commands for discarding/ destroying/ deleting items on TFS:
DestroyWI –for destroying one or more work items.
DestroyWITD - for destroying an entire work item type (destroying every work item of that type and the type itself).
Witadmin is a command-line utility and is located in %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE.
If you want to delete the work item, use the command:
witadmin destroywi /collection:CollectionURL /id:id [/noprompt]
Start Command Prompt for VS that you have used as admin. Enter:
witadmin destroywi /collection:CollectionUrl/DefaultCollection /id:12888
After refreshing page on MTM, you will not see Test Case.
If you want to delete more than one item, separate IDs with commas.
witadmin destroywi /collection:CollectionUrl/DefaultCollection /id:12888, 12889, 12890