You should read Arend-Jan’s blogpost first.
He explains that after you install NAV2016 on a machine that already had NAV2015 on it, that it breaks the NAV2015 Administration console. Arend-Jan also provide a fix for this! A really easy one even.
But he was also talking about “if you’re not a PowerShell guru” .. And such. Now, I’m not a guru, but I sure like to “fix” things purely in PowerShell. So – since I needed the fix myself – and since I’ll probably have to apply this fix a numerous times – I was wondering whether I could come up with a simple “run with PowerShell” fix for this issue.
And I believe I have a second solution, which is going to execute all the steps that Arend-Jan already described .. but all within PowerShell. Just copy/paste the script below in a PowerShell ISE, execute it, and you should be good to go. On top of that, you might be able to include this script in any provisioning-script that you might already have .. . Don’t know – it’s up to you and the script is “as is” ;-).
Thanks Arend-Jan for sorting this out ;-).
$BaseReg90 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', [net.dns]::GetHostName()) $RegKey90 = $BaseReg90.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{BA484C42-ED9A-4bc1-925F-23E64E686FCE}') $BaseReg80 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', [net.dns]::GetHostName()) $RegKey80 = $basereg80.CreateSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{BA484C41-ED9A-4bc1-925F-23E64E686FCE}') foreach($RegKeyValue90 in $RegKey90.GetValueNames()){ $value80 = $RegKey90.GetValue($RegKeyValue90) if ($value80 -match '\\90\\'){ $value80 = $value80 -replace '\\90\\','\80\' } if ($value80 -match 'ManagementUI, Version='){ $value80 = $value80 -replace 'ManagementUI, Version=','ManagementUI, Version=' } if ($value80 -match 'BA484C42-ED9A-4bc1-925F-23E64E686FCE'){ $value80 = $value80 -replace 'BA484C42-ED9A-4bc1-925F-23E64E686FCE','BA484C41-ED9A-4bc1-925F-23E64E686FCE' } $regkey80.SetValue($RegKeyValue90, $value80) } foreach($RegKeySubKey90 in $RegKey90.GetSubKeyNames()){ write-host $RegKeySubKey90 $RegKey80.CreateSubKey($RegKeySubKey90) } $msc80file = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.msc" (get-content $msc80file).Replace('ba484c42-ed9a-4bc1-925f-23e64e686fce','ba484c41-ed9a-4bc1-925f-23e64e686fce') | Set-Content $msc80file