Did you know that Microsoft provides a free library of professional service tools, all created to make your life easier? We took the time to sift through our Microsoft Dynamics GP Professional Tools Services Library in order to present to you our top two time-saving tools.
Default Add Item POP/SOP
Have you ever entered a number that does not exist in your inventory item list and then have had to deal with the repercussions of this issue later on? Default add item POP/SOP was built specifically to avoid this common issue. This tool is responsible for changing default behavior in GP when items aren’t inventoried, such as the Receivables Transactions Entry and Purchasing Invoice Entry windows.
For example, if you enter a number that does not exist in your current inventory list this tool will notify you immediately by asking “do you want to add this item?” Users still have the chance to add these items when needed, but by being notified beforehand, they can be sure to have one more double-check. In order to find this feature, head to the miscellaneous tools section in your Professional Tools Service Library and search for “Default Add Item POP/SOP”.
Doc Date Verify
If you have ever had issues with entering invalid dates into your system, Doc Date Verify will come to the rescue. With this feature, the user will be notified immediately when he or she enters a document date that is invalid with the company’s current fiscal period. Also, with Doc Date Verify, you can set up a notification to alert users when posting for dates within closed periods. This feature is extremely helpful for companies that hard close fiscal periods and will help ensure that dates far in the future, or closed in the past, will not be accidentally entered.
This feature can also be found in the miscellaneous tools section in your Professional Tools Service Library under “Doc Date Verify”.
If you have not checked out your PTSL, you may be thankful once you take a look. There are a variety of free tools in this library that are made specifically to make your life easier.
If you have more questions about the professional service library or would like to setup a consultation, contact us at Logan Consulting, your Chicago based Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner.