Sales process usually starts with Request for Quotation. And result Sales Quotation generates and send to client. These clients were possible two types. Either they were register customer with organization or they were first time come to register. These first time client which possible become customer or reject our quotation handle as Prospect in Dynamics Ax 2012.
These prospects may be person, organization or individuals. They register In Dynamics Ax 2012 is very similarly as customer register. Only difference between customer and prospect is that prospect has no financial impact. They are just record keeping or register sales of Quotation. But in the case of client accepts the sales quotation, the prospect must be converted into customer and sale quotation into sales order.
Now we go to create a new prospect and then send sales quotation, and accept the sales quotation to convert Sales Order.
At the time of writing this article I am using Dynamics Ax 2012 R3 Cu9 with demo license.
Open Ax client and go in Sales and marketing module.
Sales and Marketing=> Common=> Prospects => All prospects
List page of all prospects open, click on prospect and open a create a new prospect form.
For current article I want to create prospect for person type. I select Person from drop down. Entry required highlighted and click on save and open to prospect detail page,
From detail form you can change Type Id to customer / vendor or let it prospect, I left it as prospect as default value selected. You can also update sales tax group for prospect.
Now click on top menu click on sell and then click on Sales Quotation
A new Sales Quotation form will open
Form is very similar to sales order, but having very limited option as compare to sales order.
For current example we select two items and described 100 items per 100 dollar as unit price.
Save it now open to quotation tab. And click on send Quotation
If you want print on click on “Print quotation” chick box and click on ok
Info box appears to show infobox.
Now we got feedback from client, for this open sales quotation and from follow tab strip You will find confirm, cancel and lost quotation button.
As we member we did not change the type of Prospect to customer so AX will not let you confirm sales quotation. In the case of rejection or cancel you can click on cancel or lost button to reject the sales quotation.
For current example, we assume that our sales quoatation is accepted and new we convert this sale quotation into sales order. First step to convert prospect into customer, for this click on convert to customer , you will find small popup form. Where you can enter customer account.
After entering new customer account, you can check that account number is valid, click on check button, for example I added the small length customer account and following error message shows
Now enter account with required length check and then press ok.
You can see that after converting prospective into customer, Confirmation button is enabled
Click on confirm to convert this into sales order
Click ok, Sales Quotation converts into sales order
If we open sales order list page we find a new sales order created against sales quotation.