Merit Solutions will be presenting two sessions at AXUG Summit next month related to Microsoft Dynamics AX Rescues. If you are attending AXUG Summit - be sure to register for these two sessions.
Warning - Your Project is At Risk!
Join us for the first part of this “AX Rescues” series as we discuss the major risks associated with Microsoft Dynamics AX enterprise projects, and how to identify the warning signs that your project is under stress. This session will lead into our next session – “Your AX Project Is At Risk – Now What?”. Enterprise Microsoft Dynamics AX projects face a number of risks and challenges due to the transformational impact they have on companies. Recently we’ve seen an increase in the number of companies who receive limited value from their investment into Microsoft Dynamics AX because the system was not implemented correctly, or hasn't been implemented at all. Project overruns, over customized systems, undocumented configurations, and inadequate change management threaten your project at every turn!
Your AX Project is At Risk - Now What?
Join us for the second part of this “AX Rescues” series as we discuss a systematic methodology for stabilizing challenged AX Projects and how to realize the Return On Investment you envisioned when you chose Microsoft Dynamics AX for your company. Be sure to also join us for the first session of this series, “Warning – Your AX Project May Be At Risk!”. Analysts like Gartner, Forrester Research, and Nucleus Research have all named Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 as a Leader in their respective ERP research reports. More than 20,000 companies worldwide use Microsoft Dynamics AX, including many global industry leaders. But you’re not convinced; you heard the success stories, saw the sales demos, and ultimately made the decision to implement Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Since your decision, however, your project hasn’t been smooth and deep down you know something is very wrong. Learn how to turn your project around before it’s too late!