Recently we discovered a bug when running pricing calculations from Inventory and warehouse management/Setup/Costing/Costing Versions
it appeared that whenever you ran pricing from the item itself than it ran but whenever you ran it from the generic costing versions screen the yield was always 100%
We discovered that "KB 2905338, Bug Id 839225: When calculating price on the cost version form, AX ignores the batch size setup on formula version and uses the default order quantity instead" fixed our issue which is located at \Classes\BOMCalcJob.constructBOMCalcItem() because it added in the clause to populate the yield % from the current bomVersionitem. However this updates a new bug into the system.
Whenever you run a single item from the main costing versions form then the correct yields are pulled in. The moment you run it for multiple parts (at the same time, when its not wide open for an entire site) via Inv/Ware house Mgt >Costing Versions then it ever so slightly modifies your costing results incorrectly.
The issue is that when running pricing for multiple parts at a time it takes the first item's info and uses that as the "main item" for every part you run. Thus affecting your output. You only notice this issue whenever you run it for multiple parts at a time.
You can fix this by removing the piece of code in \Classes\BOMCalcJob.constructBOMCalcItem() this.parmPmfBOMVersion(bomVersionItem); Once this is removed it appears to still respect the hotfix and the fix to handle processing multiple specific items at a time.
The issue is caused by the if statement at the stop that checks to see if pmfBOMVersion.RecId has a value which it now does.
it appeared that whenever you ran pricing from the item itself than it ran but whenever you ran it from the generic costing versions screen the yield was always 100%
We discovered that "KB 2905338, Bug Id 839225: When calculating price on the cost version form, AX ignores the batch size setup on formula version and uses the default order quantity instead" fixed our issue which is located at \Classes\BOMCalcJob.constructBOMCalcItem() because it added in the clause to populate the yield % from the current bomVersionitem. However this updates a new bug into the system.
Whenever you run a single item from the main costing versions form then the correct yields are pulled in. The moment you run it for multiple parts (at the same time, when its not wide open for an entire site) via Inv/Ware house Mgt >Costing Versions then it ever so slightly modifies your costing results incorrectly.
The issue is that when running pricing for multiple parts at a time it takes the first item's info and uses that as the "main item" for every part you run. Thus affecting your output. You only notice this issue whenever you run it for multiple parts at a time.
You can fix this by removing the piece of code in \Classes\BOMCalcJob.constructBOMCalcItem() this.parmPmfBOMVersion(bomVersionItem); Once this is removed it appears to still respect the hotfix and the fix to handle processing multiple specific items at a time.
The issue is caused by the if statement at the stop that checks to see if pmfBOMVersion.RecId has a value which it now does.