There were couple of exceptions related to GP2015 R2 that I wished to share here. One would be discussed here and other one on the next post.
After upgrading to GP2015 R2, while doing a routine testing, following error message was thrown while trying to open Smartlist:
Full message as follows:
Unhandled database exception:
A get/change operation on table ‘ASI_MSTR_Explorer_Favorites’ failed accessing SQL data.Number of results columns doesnt match table definition.
Number of results columns doesnt match table definition.
Debugging this error took me to the table Smartlist Favorites Master (ASIEXP81). Strange, however, that number of columns indeed matched.
I remembered this issue happening in GP 10 and GP 2010. Suggested solutions were to run GRANT.SQL on all databases and changing ODBC provider to SQL Native Client. However, in my case, both were already done and confirmed.
To avoid any further delay or issue(s), I decided to backup the records from ASIEXP81, recreate the table using GP SQL Maintenance and push the records back from the backup table.
Resolution: Drop and create the table Smartlist Favorites Master (ASI_MSTR_Explorer_Favorites, ASIEXP81) using GP SQL Maintenance.
Only that, I did not have to reinsert the records. When I opened the Smartlist after recreating the table, it automatically populated all records. Strange, again. But it worked.
Word of caution: Always take backup before you do anything with the data.
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