Power BI is Generally Available today. One great feature in Power BI is Org content packs.
Content Pack is way for any company to distribute their own dashboards
or reports to their users for consumption through an easy to discover content
You no longer need to search your inbox for the email that
you got with the link or invitation or simply not know content available in
rest of the company. Content gallery ( Get Data -> My Organization) makes it
super simple to discover all the BI content that you have access to in one
As a content creator, by packing your content as a content
pack and putting it in the content gallery makes the content discoverable not
just for the present but even for your future audiences.
You can create content packs with just reports or dashboards
& reports. The datasets used by these reports and dashboards are
automatically included.
Any Power BI Pro user can create an Org Content Pack and publish
to Entire tenant or restrict to security group / office 365 group. Any Power BI
Pro user can consume Org Content Pack
Consumers can customize dashboards/reports without affecting
other users/source
Consumers can’t modify the dataset, refresh dataset etc
User level security flows through to On-premise AS
For imported datasets, content pack creator imports the data
and schedules refresh using his/her credentials
Datasets could be in Group space or in My workspace
Creating content pack is super simple. Learn more at https://support.powerbi.com/knowledgebase/articles/651040-introduction-to-organizational-content-packs