I have created a few Telegram Messenger groups for various Microsoft Dynamics technologies for increasing efficient collaboration among the community folks. This was created as I was thinking of an different kind of platform apart from communities to interact with the community members.
With the growing demand for social media insight, I decided to use one of the social media networking tool to create a community for Microsoft Dynamics. The reason for choosing Telegram is that people can join with the help of a link and it does not require an administrator to add people to the network, as like other IM’s. Also, we can chat from mobiles/laptops/desktops/tablets etc across different platforms and completely free, on the cloud and better encryption of the data... :)
Please join these communities and benefit by closely interacting with community members and experts in a much closer and faster environment.
Dynamics CRM - https://telegram.me/joinchat/03c8251701789591eb82b4fc9a12fd1a
Dynamics AX - https://telegram.me/joinchat/03c825170217e70b86e09b0352d76ae7
Dynamics NAV - https://telegram.me/joinchat/03c82517017e1a6aa560bdab6c33cfa5
Dynamics GP - https://telegram.me/joinchat/03c8251700a58651a367ed1b9bffc707
Looking forward for your participation in these groups and increased collaboration in the communities...