Find eBooks and videos faster with our new visual selector page!
Looking for an eBook that walks you through setting up a business process? Want to see a video on a new feature? You can find it all on our comprehensive new eBooks and videos page. Whether you’re just getting started, or you’re an experienced system admin, you’ll find compelling content that will help you get the most out of CRM.
You’ll find over 70 unique eBooks and videos to choose from that cover just the information you’re looking for, organized so you can find it fast! Bookmark the page so you’ll always have quick access to the latest rich-media content.
To make our eBooks and videos easier to find, we’re also including new tabs on some of our task pages. For example, you can read how to do a task, and then watch a video to see the task in action. We’re even including video transcripts so you can scan the contents of a video.
We’d love to hear from you if you have feedback on the new eBooks and videos page. If you don’t see a category of info you want, or you’re looking for a specific eBook or video but can’t find it, let us know! Go to the bottom of the page to send your feedback.
And don’t forget that you can download our eBooks and customize them to create your own training materials and presentations.
For other great CRM content, be sure to visit our CRM Help & Training site.
Bryce Holmes
Content Developer
Microsoft Dynamics CRM