As a successful firm, you know how the global economy and advances in technology have created an extremely competitive business environment. You may have implemented a cloud based ERP solution that gives you a real-time view into your business. But more importantly - do you have a clear view of your customer? Microsoft Dynamics CRM can give you a good idea of who your customer is and what they are seeking. There are two very important parts to every business - the business and the buyer; and the systems you utilize should certainly cater to both. If your systems are properly integrated, your firm can benefit greatly from the use of ERP and Microsoft Dynamics CRMworking together. Let’s uncover 3 of the ways your firm can benefit from integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ERP.
- Streamlined Sales Processes
One major challenge that firms are forced to deal with is being able to sell two different ways - via a direct sales team, and via distribution channels. Businesses need to focus on enticing their distributors to promote their product, as well as focusing on the relationship between their direct sales team and the clients. What about when the sales team and your distributor butt heads on the same project? Are you able to anticipate this mix up before it happens? If your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system is implemented correctly, it should be able to support both types of selling that your firm uses every day. Both of your teams will be kept in the loop to ensure that they aren’t butting heads.
- Improving Visibility & Anticipation Abilities
We’ve noticed that many salespeople don’t have access to their ERP systems at all times. If you don’t have a CRM system like Microsoft Dynamics CRM and you’re trying to keep track of important information about your clients and products, you have a big problem. When you can’t access this important information when you need to, you probably can’t anticipate the needs of your business and your clients. Integrating your ERP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM systems gives you and your teammates a clear view of what is happening with the business in real time, enabling your salespeople to effectively sell to, understand the needs of, and engage with customers.
- Improved Quote to Cash Procedure
It’s the same story with many of our clients; too many times we find that in the early stages of the sales process, not enough attention was given to product configuration and how it will affect the project’s lifecycle. Trying to create accurate quotes using complex product configurations is sort of like trying to find a needle in a haystack. However, if you are able to accurately anticipate your business needs, you are likely also able to improve your quote to cash procedure too. When your business revolves around building to order, your product configurations can become very intricate. Your choices all impact each other so carefully setting up the product configuration so that you can revisit it and understand it later is extremely important! When you integrate your ERP system and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, your sales team can access the information that they need so that they can effectively quote and deliver when it matters most.
Integrating ERP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be a lengthy and tricky process, and we are here to help. Reach out to us at Logan Consulting with any questions you may have.
by Logan Consulting
Integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Your ERP System Can Revolutionize Your Business is a post from: CRM Software Blog
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