Key Technologies: CRM Online, Scribe Insight
Note: This article assumes understanding of CRM Online entities and relationships. Knowledge of Scribe insight tool for data integration. For more information on Scribe Insight refer
Connections can be used to define the relation between the two entities.
You can have an account related to any contacts. With the help of connection you can define that one of the contact is actually the employee in the company and another an employer.
1. Before connections, you should have connection roles and association between the roles defined.
2. Connection Roles
A role should have a role category.
Consider, a role ‘Client’ which is part of ‘Business’ category, ‘Sibling’ which is under ‘Family’ category.
3. Connection Role Association
After defining a role, we should associate different roles. This entity stores guid of the main role and the associated role.
Role ‘Client’ can have other roles associated with it. See below example.
4. Select record type ‘All’ to avoid restriction on any entity.
5. Connections
Map the following fields for connections between records of different entities.
• Record1id
• Record2id
• Record1objectTypecode (ex: account)
• Record2objectTypecode (ex: contact)
• Record1roleid (ex: Client)
• Record2roleid (ex: Employee)
• Description
• Status
• Ownerid
Below is a sample of a contact with role ‘Client’ connected to another with role ‘Attorney’.